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Re: Roadster wanted

Subject: Re: Roadster wanted
From: Gordon Glasgow <>
Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2000 18:48:29 -0700
Thanks, Dave. I think that's a lesson that we all need to re-learn from time to 
time (and I
certainly include myself in that). There's no body language, facial expression, 
inflection or
anything else in email. Even when we think something is completely obvious, it 
isn't always seen the
same way by others. Whatever happened privately or publicly, I think it's best 
to just let it go as
a bad miscommunication and get back to being the friendly group that I KNOW we 
really are. wrote:

> Hi Gordon and List,
> I made the comment about Mt Everest. I thought the humor was so obvious that
> it couldn't be taken as anything other than a joke. I guess one of the
> problems with email is you get no tone from the person so sometimes you don't
> know how to take something. This has gotten me and others on the list into
> trouble before. Sorry if what I perceived to be funny started this nasty
> thread.

Gordon Glasgow

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