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Re: Roadster wanted

Subject: Re: Roadster wanted
From: Gordon Glasgow <>
Date: Fri, 30 Jun 2000 12:36:24 -0700
Correct, Michael, I'm still just a roadster nut.

John is looking at the serious offers he received and still really wants to buy 
a roadster. He is
ignoring the rest of the thread. He does have a major stress inducing factor in 
his life right now
(father-in-law dying of cancer and wife having a lot of difficulty dealing with 
it) so he's
concentrating on other things. wrote:

> In a message dated 6/30/00 4:54:13 PM !!!First Boot!!!, writes:
> <<  I think that the situation may be different for Gordon since he is a
>  vendor and has to deal with all kinds of people with a " the customer is
> always
>  right" attitude. >>
> Actually, Gordon isn't a vendor.  Unless things have changed..... Gordon?
> Anyway, I am glad to see this latest episode on the "List" come to an end.
> Lets enjoy the summer and I hope to see many of you folks in a week from now.
>  Get those cars ready and lets party!
> Michael "Calspeed" Carion
> 67.5. SRL311-000248 Solex

Gordon Glasgow

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