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Re: Roadster wanted

To: Gordon Glasgow <>
Subject: Re: Roadster wanted
From: Roman Rist <>
Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2000 13:49:48 -0700 (PDT)
--- Gordon Glasgow <> wrote:
> Okay, so I'm catching up on my email after having not been on for a
> couple of days, so maybe this
> thread has already died. But I have to speak up on this.
> Is it the heat, or pre-Shasta stress or what? A guy (who is known to
> those of us who have been on
> this list for a while) comes on and says he is looking for a
> roadster. Any decent street roadster.
> And because he doesn't say specifically where he's located, everybody
> starts dumping on him! And
> when he replies that it doesn't matter, he'll unload his race car
> from the trailer and come get it
> if it's the right car, you dump on him some more!
> I've never seen this kind of CRAP on this list before and I hope I
> never see it again! What the hell
> do you think this is, a Porsche list? What do you think the lurkers
> on the list think of this? Do
> you think this encourages them to post questions? This is an
> embarrassment to the list. I think you
> guys all owe an apology to both John and this list for your
> attitudes.
> --
> Gordon Glasgow
> Finally, a man whom I respect, and has one one the coolest roadsters
I have ever seen speaks his mind. I too, have been off line for a
couple of days and came back to the worst flame war atrocity I have
seen in my time on the list.
>From what I've read, the guy just wanted a car. As he was not specific,
he was instantly attacked, ON LIST!,as in publicly. next thing you
know, every one is jumping in for the feeding frenzy.
Personaly, if I had a car to sell him I would have off list written him
to help him find a car. I would have never jumped on him for not being
specific enough. As he said, he'd know the right car. I've bought
plenty of cars that I wasn't even planning on,It just happened to be
the right car. I think the man deserves a break, and he probably will
unsubscribe from the list based on the treatment he has gotten. All he
wanted was a car, and for that he got publicly ridiculed on the list.
In closing, It just got out of hand, and list Insanity entered in.
Myself, in a flame war, I just sit back and read all, and look at all
sides before responding.
Hey, bottom line, the guy just wanted a car.

Roman Rist
LA Ca.

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