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Re: Classic car insurance???

To: <>
Subject: Re: Classic car insurance???
From: "Graham Evans" <>
Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2000 19:20:42 -0400
I have mine insured with State Farm for a stated value.  It was no hassle.
I simply took it in to my agent, he took a picture of the car and I set the
value I wanted it insured for.  No restrictions, no problem.

I have had to make a couple of claims and have been happy with the treatment
both times.  First time I hit a puddle of oil on a curve and slid into a
fire hydrant.  I took it to the State Farm claim adjuster who looked at it
and just said to tell him how much it cost since he had no idea.  I took it
to the shop of my choice had the work done getting fender and parts from
Rallye.  State Farm paid the full bill.  After getting the car back I found
that it was not driving straight and discovered hidden damage that the axle
was bent.  Again State Farm paid promptly with no problems.

Second claim mice had made a nest in the convertible top over the winter and
ate holes in it.  State Farm paid for a new top, but did deduct for
depreciation which was only fair.  They even took my word for the age of the
top without having to produce a receipt.

Overall I have been very pleased with their service.

68 1600
----- Original Message -----
From: Ken Pearce <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, June 19, 2000 12:22 PM
Subject: Classic car insurance???

> I called my insurance agent to make sure that the policy on my 68-2000 had
> enough coverage considering the fact that I put a bunch of money in to it
> this winter (new engine).  As I suspected, they said that the most they
> would reimburse on a total loss would be around $2900.  I said that I
> would like to change the policy to a "stated value" policy and that I
> would be happy to show them receipts and pay the extra premium.
> They told me that they require an appraisal on the car by a licensed
> appraiser.  Now, I'm definitely not in the mood to spend another $125-$200
> bucks for someone to tell me how much my roadster is worth.  I know how
> much it's worth.
> So now I'm moving ALL my policies to another insurance company who said
> they had no problem looking at the car themselves and looking over my
> receipts and giving me a stated value policy.
> Who else has run into this and was an appraisal required?  Can anyone
> recommend an insurance company who is in tune with classic cars (pun fully
> intended)?
> Thanks in advance,
> Ken Pearce, 68-2000
> Lawrence, KS  (B.C. or bust starting tonight!  Woo Hoo!)
> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> Ken Pearce
> Engineering Computing Services
> School of Engineering                  "The best time to take action
> University of Kansas                     toward a dream is yesterday;
>                                         the worst is tomorrow; the
>                        best compromise is today."
>                                                    Alvah Simon
> =====================================================================

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