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RE: Classic car insurance???

To: "'Ken Pearce'" <>,
Subject: RE: Classic car insurance???
From: "Dziuba, Larry" <>
Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2000 13:49:26 -0600
As mentioned by several others on the list.  Classic car insurance exists
and the rates are very reasonable.  I live in Alberta and use Royal
Sunalliance Insurance.  They provide full coverage for minimal dollars
versus the average collectable car value.  My old vette policy included
public liabiblity, public damage and $1,000,000 in comprehensive coverage.
I initially supplied photographs and a vehicle inspection (usually 50 to
75$).  The policy does restrict the annual distance travelled to ~2000
miles.  The short seasons and my relatively young family fit well with this.
I am not aware of any "younger" age limit but I'm well beyond that anyway.
The insurance broker usually asks for my mileage reading once a year at
policy renewal time but has never pressed the issue.  I have not been asked
to supply annual inspections.  Usually the initial photos give the broker a
good idea of the policy holders honesty.  Good Luck!  Larry.

-----Original Message-----
From: Ken Pearce []
Sent: Monday, June 19, 2000 10:23 AM
Subject: Classic car insurance???

I called my insurance agent to make sure that the policy on my 68-2000 had
enough coverage considering the fact that I put a bunch of money in to it
this winter (new engine).  As I suspected, they said that the most they
would reimburse on a total loss would be around $2900.  I said that I
would like to change the policy to a "stated value" policy and that I
would be happy to show them receipts and pay the extra premium.  

They told me that they require an appraisal on the car by a licensed
appraiser.  Now, I'm definitely not in the mood to spend another $125-$200
bucks for someone to tell me how much my roadster is worth.  I know how
much it's worth.  

So now I'm moving ALL my policies to another insurance company who said
they had no problem looking at the car themselves and looking over my
receipts and giving me a stated value policy.  

Who else has run into this and was an appraisal required?  Can anyone
recommend an insurance company who is in tune with classic cars (pun fully

Thanks in advance, 

Ken Pearce, 68-2000
Lawrence, KS  (B.C. or bust starting tonight!  Woo Hoo!)


Ken Pearce
Engineering Computing Services
School of Engineering                  "The best time to take action
University of Kansas                     toward a dream is yesterday;
                                        the worst is tomorrow; the                        best compromise is today."
                                                   Alvah Simon


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