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Re: Elan fitness for daily use

To:, "Erik V. Berg" <erikb@elrond.sp.TRW.COM>
Subject: Re: Elan fitness for daily use
From: rebean@CCGATE.HAC.COM
Date: Mon, 13 Apr 98 10:28:27 PST8

Erik wrote:

>The type 26 cars have different side windows, and a different top. 
>I have never driven one of these earlier cars on the road, for any 
>period of time (I'm planning to now, since I have acquired one 
>that is a runner!) so I have to disqualify my opinion, about the 
>weather protection of the S1 and S2 Elans.  
>What do any other people here have to say about this?
Having had Type 26 Elans nearly exclusively, I can say that they are not weather
tight.  The Type 36 and later cars are much better.  However, I believe that the
26 window/rubber seals arrangement can be improved by some slight modifications.
I'll find out when I try out some ideas.

Now as an early Elan owner, Erik, you may beat me to it so please pass on what 
you find out.

For one thing, the windows bow out a little at speed.


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