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Colors (was: Elan lust abatement)

Subject: Colors (was: Elan lust abatement)
From: "Erik V. Berg" <erikb@elrond.sp.TRW.COM>
Date: Mon, 13 Apr 1998 02:06:12 -0700
I wrote:
>>>> I just became the new owner of 26/4082. This is the 
>>>> Fred Miranda car, which just recently came up for sale.

Rod wrote:
>>>     Wow Erik, that's great!  As I remember, that's a pretty 
>>>     nice car. Is it still pumpkin orange?

Tim Mullen wrote:
>> Pumpkin Orange???
>> Are you referring to that wonderful Colorado Orange???    

Randall Fehr commented:
> My info says "Lotus" Colorado Orange is BMW Colorado Orange.

Ummmm... well, I don't know anything about original Lotus orange 
colors, but knowing the history of the car I would not be surprised 
at all, if the orange color that Rod is referring to was a non 
factory color.  Presumably, Rod is thinking of the color this car 
was painted, before Fred repainted it Yellow.  According to Fred's 
notes, he repainted it yellow in about '82, and Rod probably hasn't
seen the car since before then.

It now sports a yellow with black color scheme.  I really like the 
yellow, and though my preference is for Elan color schemes that are
"monochromatic" i.e. with the bumpers done in body color, I am sorta 
warming up to the black bumpers and trim on this car.  I don't think 
I'm going to change it, at least not in the near future.

Erik  "Joining the yellow brigade, I guess"  Berg

PS>  Dunno what paint code it is.  Dunno if it is a Lotus color. 
     It is just... ummm... yellow.   :-)

PPS> Let's not even *start* discussing John (RIP) Clark's RED CAR 
     (license plate designation) that was actually painted BLUE !!

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  • Colors (was: Elan lust abatement), Erik V. Berg <=