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Re[2]: Elan fitness for daily use

To: chapman-era@Autox.Team.Net, Eric Camiel <>
Subject: Re[2]: Elan fitness for daily use
From: rebean@CCGATE.HAC.COM
Date: Tue, 14 Apr 98 05:45:39 PST8

Eric Camiel <> wrote on
Date:    4/14/98 4:45 AM:

>If you want to fiddle long enough, the car can be made weather tight. 
>After replacing rubber, window channels, tweeking and adjusting, the 
>top and side windows are weather tight. The windows don't bow out below 
>75 mph. The door seals still leak leaving my right leg damp but this is 
>fixable. I also have the removable hard top which doesn't seal nearly 
>as well and amplifies engine noise. The heater works great down to an 
>ambient temp of 35 - 40.

That the leak situation is fixable is good to hear.  I've owned S1s and S2s for 
years and have just considered that a necessary inconvenience and part of the 
price for all the good stuff.

One of my current cars has the hardtop and I I put it on, I was pleasantly 
surprised to find it sealing better than the soft top but not perfectly.  So 
your words are encouraging; I can expect a better seal that that if I work at 

I suppose it's just a matter of uniform contact of effective rubber 
weather-strip with smooth surfaces, together with the alignments (door/window).

Thanks for the information.


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