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Re: more misfiring

Subject: Re: more misfiring
From: (Marcus Tooze)
Date: Wed, 23 Mar 94 08:07:30 CST
> Marcus:
> Glad that seems to have gotten it.
>  However, I'm in a weird mood, and feel like explaining what was going on.
> The thumb wheel on the advance can does not restrict movement in any way.
> It just sets the position of the can in relation to the distributor body.

<Good explanation of dist. operation deleted>
>    Randy

Do you rememeber I started that post last night with 'I'm sure my car can inter-
cept email'. Well, perhaps it can *sigh*. After getting back in the car
after posting that....she misfired away up the road! DARN IT! This time I was 
mad...I got home (10pm), got out a flashlight and popped the hood. 

First of all I pulled the breather hose tube (from crankcase) and nylon tied 
them so both carbs could get equal air (one was starting to bend and restict).
I know this isn't the backfire cause....but I guess it could cause a rich 
mixture. Anyway, I remember when I fiddled with the thumbscrew at 5pm...I
checked the lead to the ignition coil by giving it a wasn't loose
and that didn't strike me as the problem. I test drove, and things were fine,
so I atributed the problem to the thumbwheel. When I got back home at 10pm,
this struck me, so, I pushed the lead and it did feel a little loose!
Marcus tech tip: when the car is running, don't touch the block and the 
coilto dizzy lead....I found it to be quite a shocking experience last night! 
Anyway, I digress. I dropped the hood and went out for a spin....YEA-HA!
It seems that its the coil to distributor connection...shakes a little loose
now and again...spark reduced/non-exsistent...therefore misfire. Combined
with the cruddy timing problem, and starved carbs...

I looked at the coil properly, and the black plastic around the electrode (?)
where the lead form the cap goes has a 1cm chip out of it...shoiuld I replace
the coil? Also, should I have been fingers never touched
metal,  only the rubber on the end of the lead to the coil.

Well, I'm going to wait for her to misfire again and then jump out and push
the lead on firmly, just to confirm my prognosis.

Thanks all


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