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Re: LBC Mirror Placement

Subject: Re: LBC Mirror Placement
From: "Daren Stone, D2 Mfg. Engr. C5/6, 5-9521" <>
Date: Thu, 10 Mar 94 15:07:07 PST
Subject: Re: LBC Mirror Placement

     Chris K. writes;

There's an easier way available to us in modern times - it's called the
RivNut. They're threaded inserts - you drill a blind hole, install the
insert with tool, and presto! a thread in the sheet metal, complete
with some backup to keep the sheetmetal from taking all the stress.
This is how my door mirrors are mounted. 

          >>Mine too, and with no problems to report. I
     originally used these on a project at my old job where
     a small spring would be pulling on the bolt threaded
     into these 24hrs/day, and had very few failures. BTW, I
     found mine @ Orchard Supply Hardware under the name
     "Thread-serts". Daren says check 'em out.


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