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Re: Despertly seeking TR3 parts

Subject: Re: Despertly seeking TR3 parts
From: "TeriAnn Wakeman" <>
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 93 13:28:00 -0800
In message <> John Wroclawski writes:
>    From: TeriAnn Wakeman <>
>    In message <>  writes:
>    > TeriAnn,
>    > My experience to date with the reseviors is that they were unpainted.
>    Kevin, your observation matches mine on the brake/clutch resevior.
> Hm again. The text of Bill Piggott's "Original Triumph TR", which
> often describes the color of things, is silent about brake/clutch
> reservoirs. There are pictures of two cars with apparently black
> reservoirs; the captions on these pictures, which describe "unoriginal
> things" in the pictures, do not mention the reservoirs. Another
> picture, which is actually of a commission plate but also shows the
> reservoir, is captioned "The black fluid reservoir would originally
> have had a transfer on it indicating 'brake' and 'clutch'". (This
> transfer is news to me. Anyone ever seen one?)

I have only seen the labels on the new girling reseviors that The Roadster 
Factory had piled in a box at Octoberfest.  I have yet to talk to anyone who 
thought the labeling came on their Girling resevoirs when their cars were new.

>    My other concern is the acelerator peddle/linkage assembly.  I looked
>    mine over very carefully befor subjecting it to the sand blaster. Mine
>    has a thin layer of rust signifying some kind of protection was there,
>    but i could not find any traces of paint on most of it.  The face of
>    the accelerator peddle was apinted silver.
> My most original car has: painted black clutch and brake pedals, black
> pedal mounting boxes/brackets, unpainted accelerator pedal (is yours
> really -painted- silver? I thought the faces were silver just from
> being polished by use for many years), unpainted accelerator linkage
> rods.  It's possible that the accel pedal and linkage rods were
> lightly plated (not galvanized) at one time.
> Piggott's pictures look like they have black pedal boxes. I can't find
> anything about the pedals themselves..

The brake and clutch peddles & associated brackets are black.  The master 
cylinders are unpainted.  Its that accelerator peddle assembly I'm unsure about.
It starts at the peddle, and procedes as a rod up and through the bulkhead, runs
parallel to the bulkhead and back through the bulkhead.  It has a crank on it to
affix the rest of the linkage.  Mine had silver paint only on the peddle and 
only on the side facing the driver.  It was worn off in the middle, but there 
was still some near the top and bottom where the foot normally does not touch 
the peddle.  I have no idea if this was done at the factory or by the dreaded 
previous owner.

Ah the joys of trying to restore an EX-rust bucket that the owner previous to me
slapped fiber glass over wire brushed rust then painted non factory colours.  
Then painted the boot and engine bay black.  My best guesses are based upon 
looking at what colours were underneath.  Now if I only had an original post 
TS60000 TR3 to park next to mine to figgure out where all those parts belong.  
Now if only I can find all those parts I purchased and stashed away over the 
years.  Now if only I would remember which parts I bought 4 years ago and stop 
buying duplicate new ones.

I have seen the light! next time I purchase the best car I can find and save the
fixeruppers to someone who likes to do this sort of thing and does not go into 
insecurity fits if he or she can't figgure out if a part was originally painted 
or not.


TeriAnn "I can't remember, were my finger nails originally painted red or pink 
before they got sprayed black along with the petrol tank?"

TeriAnn Wakeman             One of these days, I'll be old enough that          people will stop calling me crazy and start
LINK: TWAKEMAN              calling me eccentric.
408-974-2344        TR3A - TS75519L, MGBGT - GHD4U149572G, 109 - 164000561

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