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Re: Play in steering wheel

Subject: Re: Play in steering wheel
From: Garry Archer <>
Date: Tue, 22 Sep 1992 09:55:50 -0400
This discussion brings back a couple of memories:

Just after I bought me 1976 V-6 Ford Capri II about 10 years ago I decided
to get a few things fixed up on it.  While driving to the mechanic I had
to take a sharp right after coming down an exit ramp from the highway.
I turned the steering wheel and ... nothing ... I started to brake and
tried again and finally the car started to turn, but there was a lot of
"play" as I turned.  It was heart_in_me_mouth time I can tell you!  I
had horror flashes of me losing steering control on the highway where I
had just been doing speeds in excess of 60 mph!  The mechanic told me
later that the steering rack was completely loose and the entire front
end needed rebuilding.  I had purchased the car on a whim (case of love
at first sight) without having it mechanically checked out first.  We all
learn with experience.  (In fact, I had so much money put into that car
over the next year, I _swore_ I'd never own a used car ever again!)

I knew a medical consultant who used to work at my place five or six years
ago.  He was into big luxurious or sporty cars.  Naturally he was afflicted
with a dreaded disease called Imusthaveajagitus.  Something, I am sure, most
of us on this list have suffered with or are currently suffering with :-)
He ended up with an XJ6.  One dark night, he claimed, he was speeding down
some long straight (not on a highway) and saw a bend coming up down the road.
When he tried to steer into the bend... nothing!  The car just kept going
straight and it was too late to brake before the car had zipped off the bend
and eventually ended up in somebody's front yard!  The steering system had
failed completely.  The car was only a year or two old as well.

My 1989 Camry station wagon had to have its entire steering rack replaced
this year, all because of one stinking, lousy, leaking oil seal.  The dealer
said there was a kit to fix it, but the problem would re-arise (how did I
know he was going to say that?).  But because of the way the system is
designed, it was recommended to have the entire rack replaced (why, of 
course!).  Fortunately I managed to get Toyota to pick up the bill (long 
story).  The dealer had originally quoted me $1200 parts and labour (argh!).

The moral here is:  Have your steering systems checked frequently.

Garry Archer Esq.
3M Health Information Systems,  Wallingford, Connecticut, U.S.A.

"An Englishman never enjoys himself, except for a noble purpose." - A.P.Herbert

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