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Oh no! More M***a bashing!

To: ""
Subject: Oh no! More M***a bashing!
From: (Larry E. Snyder - - (314)694-3626)
Date: Tue, 3 Mar 92 10:19:02 -0600
I failed to mention that as I cruised to work in the TR250 with the top 
down, I drove by a M***a with the top up and all windows tightly rolled up. 
Harumph! So what if he passed me - going fast in his little 
hermetically-sealed imitation LBC can't touch cruising with the wind in 
your hair...

And how's this for controversy - anyone who drives with the top down and 
side windows rolled up is a *wimp*! Here I was, taking pleasure in top-down 
weather, and almost every other convertible I saw (VW, Chrysler, etc.) had 
the top down but ALL WINDOWS ROLLED UP! Might as well just have a 

Opinionatedly yours,


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