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Re: Oh no! More M***a bashing!

Subject: Re: Oh no! More M***a bashing!
From: (Garry Archer)
Date: Tue, 3 Mar 92 14:54:08 -0500
> Side curtains are for wusses! Why, us real men drive around with no
> side curtains! Or a winshield! And seats? Ha! Who needs 'em! I'd just
> kneel on the floor except floors are for pansies, *I* drive around with
> my bare knees dragging the ground! Gripping the steering column with
> my teeth, of course. (Can ya relate, markl?)


We use t' live int' shoe box int' middle o' th' rooooad...
Car?  Car?  Wots that then?  We never 'ad a car.  We'd 'ave t' build
wheels from rolled up balls o' neeeewspaper at six o'clock... no, no, 
one o'clock-after-going-to-bed-at-two o'clock int' moooornin'... and
we didn't 'ave any petrol, no we 'ad to burn our rolled up neeeewspaper
and get off and push it.   Eeeee, by Gum, lad, them were t' days.
... and when us Dad go'r 'ome, 'e'd slice us up wi' bread knife
and dance on us graaaaves.

        (With apologies to Monty Python's classic Four Yorkshiremen sketch)

        - Garry ("Eeee, by Gum, lad") Archer (who's actually from Derbyshire)

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