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Re: Oh no! More M***a bashing!

Subject: Re: Oh no! More M***a bashing!
From: "Daren Stone, D2 IE, 5-9521, bpr:237-2322, RN2-C6"
Date: Tue, 3 Mar 1992 11:52 PST
Nark Mathon writes:

>      >>You have roll up side windows !!!! HAARUMMMPH. Roll
>      up side windows are for *wimps*. Side curtains are
>      where it's at ... ;-)
>                with side curtains a-clatterin'-
>                                                dstone

Side curtains are for wusses! Why, us real men drive around with no
side curtains! Or a windshield! And seats? Ha! Who needs 'em! I'd just
kneel on the floor except floors are for pansies, *I* drive around with
my bare knees dragging the ground! Gripping the steering column with
my teeth, of course. (Can ya relate, markl?)

     >>STEERING COLUMN !!! You have a steering column !?!
     Why I have to reach through the floor with my leg &
     grab the gear with my toes just to turn. My teeth are
     for pulling back on a piece of rusty barbed wire hooked
     up to the throttle linkage. Sheesh, some guys have it
     so easy .....


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