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Fw: Somewhat found #394

To: "Bricklin" <>
Subject: Fw: Somewhat found #394
From: "Greg Monfort" <>
Date: Sun, 25 Jan 1998 11:12:10 -0500
Do '74s have a different design? My '75 has no rail or cloth. There is a
horizontal channel and the side of the glass is bonded to the side of the
channel same as '70 Camaros. I think Terry T. is (was?) offering a
redesigned mechanism with a U channel for the glass to sit in though.

-----Original Message-----

>Its easy, just pull the interior pannel and put the glass back into the
>metal clamp that holds it at the bottom.  The cloth that wedges the glass
>the clamp has deteriorated and the clamp sliped off.
>                                                          Jim

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