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Re: Does 74 out perform 75?

To: "K M" <>, <>
Subject: Re: Does 74 out perform 75?
From: "Greg Monfort" <>
Date: Sat, 3 Jan 1998 21:57:33 -0500
I've never seen a side by side comparison, just a Road & Track test on the
'74 and Car & Driver on the '75. The '75 outperforms the '74 by a fairly
wide margin if you believe the tests. The '75 makes peak torque 900 rpm
sooner and better gearing which accounts for the better acceleration.
Overall gearing is somewhat different giving the '75 a greater top speed. As
for other differences; mostly just what's visible except the first 400 '74s
didn't have any sound insulation.

-----Original Message-----

>I'm sure that this must be debated all the time, but since the published
>horsepower figures are wide apart, is the actual performance the same?
>Is a 74 4 speed a more desirable model than a 75 auto?  I ask only
>because I am a recent purchaser of a 75 and I have a chance to get a 74
>4 speed fairly reasonably.  So any other information on the differences
>in the models (years) is appreciated.  Or, better still, is there any
>writing or Brickline article comparing the two years.
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