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Re: What radiator for a 75 and other qs?

Subject: Re: What radiator for a 75 and other qs?
From: StudeAnt <>
Date: Fri, 2 Jan 1998 04:34:54 EST
In a message dated 97-12-26 08:10:47 EST, you write:

<< 5. When I went to get and estimate on recoring 887's radiator, the shop
    told me:
       a. They didn't have or know what a "Turbo" radiator was.
       b. They didn't think a 4 core would fit to the top and bottom tanks. >>

I don't think ANY radiator shop is going to know what a TURBO radiator is as
there's no such thing in the industry! If a car came factory equipped with a
turbo then there would be a footnote (or listing) in a parts book indicating
so-but the only difference would be just a higher capacity (more rows,
different construction). NOBODY in the auto repair industry that I've ever
encountered has ever made refferance to a "Turbo" radiator (and I've been in
the biz for over 20 years). There are occassions where too much is too much,
by that I mean a 4 row radiator can actually cool less than a 3 row due to
decreased AIR flow thru the core. If air doesn't flow thru the radiator then
there's no transfer of heat from the coolant. Such a simple concept, but so
often overlooked. The point about some radiator's tanks not being able to
accept a larger core is very often the case, and nowadays it seems to cost
less just to but a new radiator than to have the old one repaired or modified.
Just make sure to buy a brand name and to get at least a one year warranty
(I've seen some of the cheap ones rot out in less than a year).-Anthony

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