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Re: WRG (was Round 4 results)

To: Bryan Nemy <>, boris elpiner <>,
Subject: Re: WRG (was Round 4 results)
From: "Pat Kelly" <>
Date: Thu, 07 Nov 2002 21:01:35 -0800
This is especially a problem, at least this year, in the Slush Series.
--Pat K

>From: Bryan Nemy <>
>To: Pat Kelly <>, Boris Elpiner <>,
"'john f. kelly jr.'" <>, "'bay area'"
>Subject: RE: WRG (was  Round 4 results)
>Date: Thu, Nov 7, 2002, 9:07 PM

> It's on the agenda.
> Bryan
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of Pat Kelly
> Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2002 10:10 AM
> To: Boris Elpiner; 'john f. kelly jr.'; 'bay area'
> Subject: Re: WRG (was Round 4 results)
> Hi Boris,
> After I read his message, I told him that many drivers have such a choice as
> you do...personally, we're restricted to either a Prepared class, or D
> Modified. And I agree with you.
> But what about eliminating the ability of folks running in the WRG? At least
> require that they select a real class and run in the correct group? That
> would maybe eliminate the F Stock fiasco (or C Stock, for that matter) that
> happened Sunday. If they don't run in the correct group, they are
> automatically disqualified (i.e., no times listed, placed at the end of the
> class). Not draconian in the scheme of things, but it might help keep the
> work/run groups more even, and the events run more smoothly, and be more fun
> to chair.
> --Pat K
> ----------
>>From: "Boris Elpiner" <>
>>To: "'John F. Kelly Jr.'" <>, "'bay area
> <>, "'Pat Kelly'" <>
>>Subject: RE: WRG (was  Round 4 results)
>>Date: Wed, Nov 6, 2002, 10:10 AM
>> John,
>> I don't think you can effectively control this situation. There are many
>> classes where a car can be legally entered. For example I can run my BS
>> car in ASP, SM2, OSP, EM or ST (street tires). I'm guilty of running
>> outside of my regular class for the first 3 Slush events. But that was
>> the only way for me to participate in those events.
>> Maybe we should reevaluate going back to 4/2 run group schedule for the
>> Slush to resolve workers situation. Fun runs would be an added benefit
>> for running in the afternoon.
>> Boris.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of John F. Kelly Jr.
>> Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2002 8:56 AM
>> To: bay area; Pat Kelly
>> Subject: Round 4 results
>> -------------------- Begin Original Message --------------------
>> Message text written by "Pat Kelly"
>> "    There were 202 separate entries, too many Wrong Run Groups (all of
>> F
>> Stock, for instance)."
>> -------------------- End Original Message --------------------
>> Wrong Run Groups. This situation is screwing up our event operations.
>> For
>> many, many events, we have seen the first run group over run with
>> entries
>> and then the afternoon groups have a worker shortage.
>>         This is especially intriguing during the last two events, for
>> example. The last run group at our previous event was pretty small and
>> this
>> group ran first this past Sunday and was quite full. The purpose of run
>> groups is to even out things so every group has a similar number of
>> entrants throughout the day. It isn't working.
>>         Now most event chairs are more than willing to take care of some
>> individual's time situation. But if this keeps up we may have to not
>> allow
>> you to run if your class isn't the one listed for the group on the grid.
>>         Everybody's cooperation is needed to make our events an ongoing
>> pleasure.
>> --John Kelly

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