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Re: Rules regarding stock stuff..

Subject: Re: Rules regarding stock stuff..
From: "Mark J. Andy" <>
Date: Tue, 4 Sep 2001 18:54:51 -0400 (EDT)

On Mon, 3 Sep 2001, Kenneth Allan Mitchell wrote:
> Before you get the hacksaw out and start hacking away, you better be
> sure that you are getting the absolute official ruling on the rule. This
> forum is not the official ruling on the rules, it is far from it. 

I definately agree with that.

However, the tack I'd take in my letter to the SEB for clarification would
be that you want to know if installing a sunroof is legal under comfort
and convience.  I would think it should be as it would weigh more, enable
to chassis to flex more, and is a pretty common mod.  Offseting it to the
side is likely a no-no though, as that would indicate that you're doing it
to gain a performance advantage (i.e. so that you can fit in the car
better, and therefore drive better).

My advice, if this is a regional only car, would be to talk privately with
your class competitors and see if they had a problem with you modifying
the seat to put you a bit lower in the car.  I can't believe any rational
competitor would bitch about that at a regional level, and its easy enough
to undo if you have to.


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