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Re: annual tech and online rules?

To: "'autox mailing list'" <autox@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: Re: annual tech and online rules?
From: Kevin Stevens <>
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 2004 01:14:14 -0800
On Nov 24, 2004, at 20:39, Dave W wrote:
> In addition to the drawbacks previously pointed out, this ignores the
> fact that the SCCA SIIRB is used by many independent clubs as well.
> How are non-members supposed to get books if they have to be stamped
> with a member number when shipped? What happens if a member buys 10
> books to sell to said non-members?

That's really not SCCA's problem.  I don't like the proposal - for one 
thing, it introduces a requirement that each member present their own 
rulebook, which doesn't exist today, and doesn't solve any problem I'm 
aware of.  But it's not incumbent on SCCA to take other organizations 
practices into account when drafting their rules.


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