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Re: U/B in ST

Subject: Re: U/B in ST
Date: Thu, 13 May 2004 21:51:48 EDT
Jay writes:

> Furthermore, if the founders of the ST concept didn't really mean
> for it to be this way, why didn't someone catch the oversight and
> fix it in time for the 1999 Solo II rulebook? Early changes in a
> Regional-only category would have probably come in entirely under
> the radar. For myself, I could have understood and supported an
> action such as that, but that is not at all what happened.

I'm only reporting what I heard in STAC conference calls...

> >The concept that UB/BD was possibly going to go away was out to
> the members
> >before at least one of those cars was built.
> Well, lessee here, U/B had been in the ST rules since 1998. In
> 2003, some five years later on, the STAC (and possibly the SEB,
> etc.) began discussions that eventually led to its abandonment
> last fall. How could you possibly know how many ST cars had been
> or were being built at that time and what percentage of them had
> used U/B to some extent?

The concept of eliminating UB/BD dates back to 2002.  I don't believe there 
were any Frankencars being actively campaigned in 2002.  I ran in STS in '02, 
all the way thru the Nationals, and don't believe I saw any.


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