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Re: Swedish sports car project

To: Sean Minehart <>
Subject: Re: Swedish sports car project
From: Henry Chea <>
Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2003 01:01:10 +0200
Thanks for the reply!  Yep, the K1 Styling Attack car looks like it's
competition for our car.  Actually I wouldn't mind getting one myself.  The
engineering looks a bit under-developed but it's a really tempting idea...

It's really interesting what you wrote about snap oversteer in the Mr2; I never
knew about it before.  Does anyone know exactly what was changed in the
suspension of the '93 Mr2?  What effect did the changes have? (Less bump steer,
etc?)  Know of any good resources on the web to check out?

Are there any opinions on the Mr2 Spyder's handling?  I ask because right now
the layout is almost identical in dimensions to our car, though our car is a
little wider.

//Henry Chea
Project Leader, Projekt Tussilago
Phone +46-708-31 18 03

Quoting Sean Minehart <>:

> Henry,
>    Saw your post a while ago and have been thinking
> about it off and on since.  Regarding polar moments
> and there effect on snap-spin oversteer, I thought of
> a good example to research.  First of all, I drive a
> '91 Toyota Mr2, which does have a tremendous amount of
> snap-spin oversteer, although the limit of it's
> road-holding is really high, once you reach a little
> point where it's beyond that, you're already
> backwards.  This is a good scenario for you to look at
> because they redesigned the suspension in '93, which
> to a very good extent, cured the problem.  It was once
> thought that the suspension change was a step down for
> racers but more recently it has been discovered that
> it is actually superior.  Also, regarding having too
> much of the weight between the wheels, and not enough
> in front of or behind, I think there is no such thing,
> and has little effect on snap-spin.  The new MR2
> spyder has near absolute minimal weight in front of
> the front wheels and behind the rear wheels (they
> actually extended the wheelbase to do this).  The
> result is a car which changes direction well but stays
> where you point it.  Also, another car which you
> didn't mention is the Attack made by K1 Styling in the
> Czech Republic.    I definitely recommend looking at
> that car if you haven't already. It is definitely a
> competitor of yours, atleast as far as styling, power
> and weight go. I hope this helps you.
> Sean Minehart
> Team Underdog Racing
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