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Re: Pro Solo

To: "" <>
Subject: Re: Pro Solo
From: "Paul Foster" <>
Date: Wed, 27 Dec 2000 09:44:30 -0500
Mark Andy wrote:

<<<Anyway, I fail to see how prepared & modified cars are at a disadvantage.
If anything, I'd think they'd be better, as you could do stuff like 2
stage rev-controllers to help launch, etc.>>>

I think it is largely an issue of wear and tear on the driveline. Most road
race vehicles are simply not made for drag racing, particularly since the
only US class that has standing starts is pro Formula Atlantic and you have
to replace the clutch every event not to mention the increased wear and tear
on the gearbox. I'm sure the people who do participate in prepared and mod
do pay the price with higher maintenance costs.

I think another issue is the lack of contingency and sponsorship. Most is
geared to the stock classes.

And I agree for the most part with Eric on this one although I dislike
Gentilozzi. :) To me pro means that you make money based on where you place
and you have a lot more involvement by sponsors and such, not whether you
can make a living at it or not. At least that's the definition as far as the
USGA is concerned. If you accept money for where you place in any golf
tournament you have just made yourself as a pro. You can never compete again
in the US Amateur or compete in any pro tournament as an amateur.

I also think "Pro Solo" is an oxymoron even though I enjoy the format in a
stock-type car. Why? Autocrossing by definition is a grassroots sport. No
matter how hard you try you are simply not going to attract the monster
truck or drag crowd to spectate much less participate.

But hey, these are just my opinions so go ahead and flame me. This one's on

Happy holidays,

Paul Foster

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