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Re: wrecks

To: Jamie Sculerati <>
Subject: Re: wrecks
From: John Lieberman <>
Date: Thu, 21 Dec 2000 22:20:55 -0600
Jamie Sculerati wrote:
> That reminds me of something that happened to an old roommate about 20 years
> ago.   This guy drove a VW bus, which meant, of course, that when entering a
> freeway, you picked your space to merge into traffic and began accelerating
> at the top of the ramp.  So he was headed down a freeway on-ramp one
> afternoon --  checked ahead, just one car, almost at the end of the ramp.
> Looked away to pick his space and floored it.  Looked forward again, and the
> car ahead of him had *stopped* at the end of the on-ramp...of course, he hit
> it.  A girl came flying out of the car, screaming:  "Look what you've done!
> This isn't even my car -- mine's being fixed because this same thing
> happened to me last week!"   Slow learner, I guess.

IMNSHO, people who slow, or even STOP, on freeway entrance ramps need
to be punted into the nearest drainage ditch ASAP.  The purpose of an
entrance ramp is to allow you to build speed so you can merge with the
flow of traffic on the freeway!  I have to deal with numb nuts like
that every day here in Louisiana and I get so angry that I just want
to drag them out of their car (after I've punted them into the ditch)
and beat some sense into them.  

They also don't understand yield signs when two entrance ramps merge
into one.  I put an 18-wheeler driver into a panic stop yesterday
morning when he refused to yield to me on two merging ramps.  I wasn't
about to slow down for his lard ass, since HE had the yield sign.  If
I'd had my CB with me at the time, which I didn't, I would have told
him how the cow bit the cabbage.

Same holds true for people who don't know how to make a proper turn. 
If you're making a 90-degree turn from one roadway to another, the LAW
says that you've got to finish that turn in the same lane from which
you started.  So, if you're turning left, you've got to end that turn
in the left lane.  And vice versa if you're turning right.  

It doesn't matter what you're planning to do after you make that
turn.  If you're turning left onto a four-lane road, and then planning
to make an immediate right onto a freeway entrance ramp, you still
have to finish your turn in the left lane and then signal your
intention to move to the right lane so you can make the ramp.  I've
stuffed a lot of other drivers (including some police officers)
because they refuse to accept this simple rule of driving.

John (Old Fartz & TLS #37) Lieberman

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