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Re: wrecks

To: <>
Subject: Re: wrecks
From: "Scot Zediker" <>
Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2000 16:10:56 -0800
Oh yeah, forgot... I'm 33, licensed since 16.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Scot Zediker" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 20, 2000 4:00 PM
Subject: Re: wrecks

> Here's my wrecks:
> Oct. 1990, LA area, '81 Honda Accord - I pulled onto an offramp and
> a stopped car ahead of me.  Because I didn't notice it soon enough, I
> rather hard, and got rear-ended by a Nissan pickup.  My Honda sustained
> frame damage but was still driveable.  Repair estimate was over two grand,
> so I didn't bother.
> March 1991, Pomona, CA, '85 Chevy Sprint - It was raining and I was
> at a traffic light.  A Nissan pickup (different one; what is it with me
> Nissan pickups?) rear-ended me.  The driver spoke very little English.  I
> was unable to get ahold of him, so I got a lawyer involved.  Eventually it
> was determined he had gone back to Mexico for some reason.  Ironically, I
> saw the same Nissan truck four years later, parked in the lot of a Pizza
> where I worked at the time.
> May 1998, near Morgan Hill, CA, '91 Miata - My then-girlfriend (she's my
> wife now) and I were returning from an autocross on US 101.  It had been
> drizzling on and off and it was overcast, and we had the usual heavy
> coming back into San Jose.  A BMW decided it wanted to be in the #3 lane,
> where I happened to be.  He smacked into the left front quarter of my car,
> and a Corolla following in the #2 lane hit me in the left rear trying to
> avoid the Bimmer.  The Bimmer took off; I didn't get a plate or a look at
> the driver.  The Corolla spun, but fortunately nobody hit it.  All told,
> incident cost me four grand in body repairs, all from my pocket.
> Scot

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