At 10:22 AM 12/1/2000 -0500, Paul Foster wrote:
>Karl Witt wrote:
> >
> > Yanno...people bitch when they are 'left in the dark' about the reasons
> > behind decisions, then when they are given the information they want, they
> > still find a reason to bitch. it's true. you can't win.
>AFAIK, Howard is not supposed to be making policy decisions that affect
>the Solo II classes. Howard is our paid employee who is supposed to be
>working for us, the club members. If the decision which cars to exclude
>is made by the SEB instead of Dennis Grant and Howard Duncan then I have
>a mechanism to attempt to change it. Otherwise, people like me are up
>against a brick wall because we are trying to convince people who have
>already decided what they want for their own ends. Is that fair?
he never said he made a decision. he merely gave insight as to the current
thinking as WHOLE about the porsches. if you had read the first bit of the
e-mail, he said it was forwarded to the SEB. damn. quit LOOKING for reasons
to bitch.