On Fri, 1 Dec 2000, Paul Foster wrote:
> AFAIK, Howard is not supposed to be making policy decisions that affect
> the Solo II classes. Howard is our paid employee who is supposed to be
> working for us, the club members. If the decision which cars to exclude
> is made by the SEB instead of Dennis Grant and Howard Duncan then I have
> a mechanism to attempt to change it. Otherwise, people like me are up
> against a brick wall because we are trying to convince people who have
> already decided what they want for their own ends. Is that fair?
Which part of "I'm forwarding your letter to the SEB" did you fail to read
in his reply?
Last I checked Howard and Dennis weren't making decisions on their own.
Certainly they have influence in that they suggest stuff, but you have
that same power. Or at least you did before you proved to everyone that
you're psychotic. :-)
(most people think I'm psychotic as well... :-)