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Re: What's wrong with this pitcure?!?

To: "" <>
Subject: Re: What's wrong with this pitcure?!?
From: Paul Foster <>
Date: Fri, 01 Dec 2000 10:56:21 -0500
- -Arthur ("Fed up with conditional literacy" edition.) responds:

<<<...and I suggest that Mr. Foster take reading lessons,
or at least make sure that his brain is in gear before
engaging his fingers on his keyboard.  What part of
Howard's response did you NOT understand???  Allow
me to translate it for you:>>>

My, isn't that very pompous of you...

<<<In a PRIVATE e-mail message to somebody, Howard Duncan
was credited as saying:>>>

Which was posted by Brian Bailey on a public bulliten board.

<<<Howard said: "I got your letter, and forwarded it to
the SEB."   No place does this suggest that "King Howard"
is making the decision, or bypassing the SEB in any way.
If you look at the SCCA's internal structure, the SEB
reports directly to the Board of Directors, not Howard.>>>

That is exactly my gripe I am glad you really do understand it after

<<<Howard is offering insight into the SEB's current
thinking on this subject.  Insight is good.  If used
correctly, you might even be able to counter their
present concerns when making your case with them.>>>

It is NOT the SEB's thinking on the matter. SM has been created
completely outside the purview of the SEB by Dennis Grant and Howard
Duncan, not by the SEB.

<<<Howard has provided cold, hard facts that will certainly
be considered by the SEB when trying to ascertain the
performance potential of Porsches in SM trim.>>>

SM was simply not very competitive this year as evidenced by the data.
That is the only conclusion you can reasonably make. Or did you not
notice the BMW M3's times (which is allowed in SM) in AS trim are also
as fast?!? Hmmm????

<<<Howard is willing to ask the SEB to make a place
for the excluded cars to play in SM trim, provided
that the demand is there.  He's also asking you to
help him create the demand.>>>

Yeah right. Howard is willing to try to persuade you to see his image of
the world. Isn't that nice of him?

<<<It seems cut and dry to me.  There's nothing wrong with
this picture, except that Paul Foster put the slides
in the projector upside-down.  Personal attacks on
Mr. Duncan and his credibility are not called for.
As a matter of fact, you should *appreciate* the
insight that he provided.....>>>


Paul Foster

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