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Re: STS Tire Rules

To: "Loren Williams" <>, "autox list" <>
Subject: Re: STS Tire Rules
From: "Roger Johnson" <>
Date: Sun, 29 Oct 2000 23:10:13 -0500
-I don't happen to agree with Steve H. regarding ECU's.

-Fuel can be tested.

-There are FAR bigger gains to be had by designing a tire
to beat the '140' rule, than by fudging the DOT rule.
Look at it this way:  (example only)
Current "R" tires might be, say, 2 seconds faster on a 60
second course than a '140' tire.
How much faster would a full out racing slick be than
the current crop of "R" tires?  (Given the same size, etc.)
Not nearly as much, imo.  Maybe 3-4 tenths?

Roger 2

----- Original Message -----
From: Loren Williams <>
To: autox list <>
Sent: Sunday, October 29, 2000 8:51 PM
Subject: Re: STS Tire Rules

> Steve Hoelscher wrote:
> > For those that think because Roger doesn't run STS he has no place
> > commenting on it, think again.  Assuming STS achieves national status at
> > some point, an STS protest will land in the lap of The Chief of Protest,
> > this past Nationals, that was Roger.  It will be his charge to deal with
> > In its present state, the street tire rule is un-enforceable.  So how is
> > protest committee supposed to deal with it?  This places the PC in the
> > impossible situation of trying to enforce the un-enforceable.  (Not far
> > the stock ECU problem)  No matter how the PC rules, it will find itself
> > buried in controversy.  I would not want to find myself in such a
> I have come to understand what you're saying here (thanks Roger, et. al.),
> but there's still one thing that's not quite clear to me.  How is the
> Stock/SP "DOT approved" rule any more enforcable than the STS "140
> treadwear" rule?  In either case, if a tire that appears to be legal
> (carries a DOT stamp or a 140 treadwear stamp) is protested, and there are
> no obvious indications that it is a cheater tire (different tread pattern
> from other tires of the same model, for instance), the PC has no choice
> to declare the tire legal.  Why is  the situation more relevant when it's
> STS?
> > To ignore the pitfalls of the street tire rule and press on with
> > Status" will make a mockery of rules and their enforcement.  This will
> > affect more than just STS and that is why others think it is in their
> > interest to comment.
> I think we have to accept that there are things that we just can't afford
> the expense of regulating in this sport.  As difficult as it may be to do
> at National level, some things may just have to be left to the trust and
> good sportsmanship of the competitors.  Tires and ECU's are good examples.
> I'm sure there are others... anybody want to talk about fuel?  What would
> the PC do if a stock class driver's fuel were protested?
> --
> Loren Williams |
> '94 Saturn SC2 | Wichita Region SCCA -

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