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To: <>
Subject: Re: BSM/SM2
From: "Dave Whitworth" <>
Date: Thu, 21 Sep 2000 20:42:22 -0500
>From Rick

> If you want to win at Nationals, you will most likely have to spend some
> money,
> amounts depending on the class - AM obviously being more expensive to win
> than HS.

I know that this will get everybody going, but my OPINION is that is much
cheaper to get a mod/prepared car to a winning state when you look at it
long term.

For example, a Ralt RT-4 BM car can be had for $20,000 in good condition.
Even if you spent another $15,000 making it the hottest BM car around your
total investment would be $35K  This car, or one similar (and in the same
price range) will be competitive for some time to come, probably at least
5-7 more years with some continued development.

ES 2000 Celica, $25,000 entry price, $2000 for custom shocks, $1000 for
spare wheels totals $28,000.  Still cheaper, but what happens when 2 yrs
down the road, there is a new car that is hot?  Then you have $28,000 tied
up in an uncompetitive car.  If you trade for another, what do those 2 years
cost in depreciation?

Then you add tires yearly costs:  I'm told that it would cost about $2-3k a
year to keep tires on a Ralt and to keep it running.  How much are those
competitive Hoosier DOT tires?  $800 a set?  How long do they last?  40
runs.  Lots of concrete could easily eat up $2000 a year in tires.  Of
course there are no other real maint. costs due to the warranty.  I went
through my first set of Kuhmos on a Neon by May!

Of course, you can't finance a Ralt and take it home with you that night.
You also can't drive it to work.

My point is that from a purely dollar standpoint, it is MUCH cheaper to
run/build a prepared car versus a stock car.

This isn't meant as a slam against stock cars, and I know that there are
people in the top of their class at nationals not in new cars.  I also know
that I'm not figuring in tow vehicle costs, but I used a 1080lb Formula car
as my example because almost anything could tow it.

Disclaimer, these are round numbers just used to make an example.  They are
based on my research done while contemplating buying a Ralt (before I went
to an even cheaper class - CP)  I'm just stating an opinion and backing it
up with some loose numbers.  They aren't exact, but they show my point.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Rick Brown" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, September 21, 2000 7:51 PM
Subject: Re: BSM/SM2

> > Katie K. writes: (paraphrasing DG)
> <snip>
> >
> > But in the context of a national competition which is likely to attract
> > those of a more "serious" persuasion, perhaps those with more money
> be
> > tempted to run in such a class, and since the rules are unlimited,
> be
> > able to spend whatever it takes to build the dominating car.
> It seems to me that is kinda how it is in any class at national level.  I
> suspect that most,
> if not all, of the winning cars are prepared to the max the rules allow
> (read $$$).  Being
> a low/no budget racer myself, I'm not complaining, I accept that as part
> the game.
> >Those without are left in the dust. With rules, there is some control
> what can be
> > done to a car, making the class more accessable to all.
> >
> I wonder if we all had unlimited money, what classes would be the most
> populated?
> Rick Brown
> FP 240Z

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