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Re: Team Laughing Stock to the Nats

Subject: Re: Team Laughing Stock to the Nats
From: "Karl Rickert" <>
Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2000 13:03:26 GMT
JD and I will be getting there on Saturday evening and will probably be too 
pooped to due much after the 20+ hour drive! So who's gonna get there 
earlier and can stake out some space for TLS? I'd suspect about 20 spots 
large enough for trailers, what cha think?

As for the "Official" TLS chalk, I'd prefer white over silver duct tape ;)


>Last year Linnhoff(The KnuckleDragger) staked out part of the back >row for 
>us. It wound up being a bunch of TLS members mixed in with KC >people and 
>anybody else that couldn't find a spot near the fast >guys!!! The only 
>criteria was you had to have no self respect. It was >great. We need to 
>find out who is gonna get there first and make sure >they have the 
>"Official" TLS chalk to mark our territory. What do you >guys think????

Direct link for DTN Donations via the Paypal system:

Snail Mail Address for DTN contributions:

Karl Rickert
54 Barnes Ave
Chattahoochee, FL 32324

Karl Rickert "AlfaKarl"
Dixie Region Asst Regional Executive
Dixie Region Solo2 Chairman
SEDiv Solo2 Registrar
CS #38 Alfa Romeo Spider
EP/GT4 Datsun 510
TLS #25
TLS Webmeister


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