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Re: Peru Pro (a bit long)

To: Eric Linnhoff <>
Subject: Re: Peru Pro (a bit long)
From: Jim Ourand <>
Date: Mon, 22 May 2000 23:42:43 -0700
I suggest DECAF.  I/we "race" cars (call it anything you want) and
incidents can happen.  Have you ever chaired a high level event (tour,
pro, divisional)?  You just don't change the course, especially late in
the event, and if the event involves money/points/prestiage.  Safety is
decided early on, not late Sunday if an incident happens.

I've been autocrossing since 1972, mostly on San Diego's Qualcomm/Jack
Murphy Stadium.  Prior to joining SCCA I know of speeds in excess of 100
mph for street prepared and prepared cars; hey, I did 80 mph in a Honda

Safety doesn't come after the fact.  I and many others have complained
about unsafe conditions at a particular event and gotten changes made. 
Point is:  Don't complain about something Sunday, that you knew about
Saturday morning.


Eric Linnhoff wrote:
> Some driver mistakes were made,
> >cars touched, but it was decided that the event go on. Changing the
> >course was not a viable option.
> ========================
> I fully expect to get flamed for this, so go to it guys.
> Coming from a SSS viewpoint, the above attitude is TOTAL BULLSHIT and
> against the rules.
> Changing a course absolutely IS an (required) option if there is a viable
> safety concern, such as after several incidents, or accidents as the case
> may be, have already occurred.
> If it means having to totally cancel the rest of the event (as a ProSolo
> format would have to do due to the format) then dammit, that's what MUST be
> done.  There is absolutely NO excuse for continuing an event just because
> "it'd cause too many headaches to change it midstream".
> What a crock.  Read the rulebook folks.  Unsafe events CAN NOT be allowed to
> continue under any circumstances.  It's in there several times.  You
> accepted the rules when you signed your membership applications.
> If this (unsafe course design) is a normal occurance at ProSolo events, and
> continues to be propogated by simpletons who don't want to change "because
> it might upset people or cause delays" then I will surely never attend them
> and those people deserve whatever happens to them and their equipment.
> I am not at all sorry for this rant.  Y'all better wake up.  We absolutely
> cannot afford to shoot ourselves in our collective foot by continuing such
> complete and utter nonsense.
> Eric Linnhoff in KC
> #69DS    TLS #13
> '98 Neon R/T
> <>
> Education is neither intelligence nor wisdom. An educated
> fool can always find a philosophy to justify his folly.
> =======================================
> I have no idea who originally said this.  But I like it.

Jim Ourand, 

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