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Re: Peru Pro (a bit long)

To: "mailing list autox" <>
Subject: Re: Peru Pro (a bit long)
From: "Eric Linnhoff" <>
Date: Tue, 23 May 2000 00:55:05 -0500
Some driver mistakes were made,
>cars touched, but it was decided that the event go on. Changing the
>course was not a viable option.
I fully expect to get flamed for this, so go to it guys.

Coming from a SSS viewpoint, the above attitude is TOTAL BULLSHIT and
against the rules.

Changing a course absolutely IS an (required) option if there is a viable
safety concern, such as after several incidents, or accidents as the case
may be, have already occurred.

If it means having to totally cancel the rest of the event (as a ProSolo
format would have to do due to the format) then dammit, that's what MUST be
done.  There is absolutely NO excuse for continuing an event just because
"it'd cause too many headaches to change it midstream".

What a crock.  Read the rulebook folks.  Unsafe events CAN NOT be allowed to
continue under any circumstances.  It's in there several times.  You
accepted the rules when you signed your membership applications.

If this (unsafe course design) is a normal occurance at ProSolo events, and
continues to be propogated by simpletons who don't want to change "because
it might upset people or cause delays" then I will surely never attend them
and those people deserve whatever happens to them and their equipment.

I am not at all sorry for this rant.  Y'all better wake up.  We absolutely
cannot afford to shoot ourselves in our collective foot by continuing such
complete and utter nonsense.

Eric Linnhoff in KC
#69DS    TLS #13
'98 Neon R/T

Education is neither intelligence nor wisdom. An educated
fool can always find a philosophy to justify his folly.
I have no idea who originally said this.  But I like it.

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