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Re: Peru Pro (a bit long)

To: Adam Popp <>
Subject: Re: Peru Pro (a bit long)
From: Steven Burkett <>
Date: Tue, 23 May 2000 14:54:02 -0700
Adam Popp wrote:

> I'm not saying he's only guy that was really going hot
> and heavy, and on the edge of out of control thruough the chicago box,
> but I think some of the blame should go to the guy in the blue neon.

For what it's worth, I was on corner 1, and one of the first one to reach the
scene.  At any rate, the driver of the blue neon took 100% responsibility.  
blame the course, or anyone else.

Also, and this is really weird, I watched the entire thing, but don't remember 
blue car actually spinning - I thought he just wagged back and forth trying to
recover, and was just starting a spin when he hit the other guy.  I'm probably
wrong - but regardless of which recollection is correct, it sure makes me 
the validity of accident scene witness reports!!!


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