And now you should be flamed. Ok lets see, there were nearly 220
competitors at this years Peru Pro Solo event. A pro solo format is best
suited for 160 to 180 competitors and Saturday competition lasted until
around 7:15 p.m.
Yes, Sunday Morning, there's was a neon collision at the closest
section of the 2 courses. One guy in a blue neon on the right course,
was going way to fast into the Chicago box, spun, lost control and spun
into a red neon. There was some damage on both neons, but both drivers
were ok.
I saw the accident occur, up, close and personel as I was working
corner station 2 on the left course one of the closest stations to the 2
u turns, when the accident happened. The guy in the blue neon,
was wild and fast through the Chicago box, all weekend. I know because
I had to work 2nd shift, Saturday afternoon, and Sunday morning, when
the neons were running. I thought that guy would of spin on one of the
runs, he wound up spinning only once, but that ended up to be his most
costly mistake. I'm not saying he's only guy that was really going hot
and heavy, and on the edge of out of control thruough the chicago box,
but I think some of the blame should go to the guy in the blue neon.
And Eric, we didn't have any time to change the courses on Sunday
morning. If we did, it would of screwed things up big time. We probably
wouldn't of had time to complete the pro solo before dark if we did, and
we had to get off the AFB, right before dark. So changing the courses
was not an option.
I'm sure this is not the only time where 2 cars collided at a pro solo
event. After the accident occured, drivers were more cautious, and had
more commen sense going through the chicago boxes. And some of them
probably had faster times because of that. If people don't know that
autocrossers aren't safe, they must be smoking something. Yes, it is
suppose to be safe, and lot more safe than other forms of racing, but
there is also a safety risk in autocrossing.
As for the safetey and the course design at this past weekend's pro
solo, the head man of safety at the event, and other officials said the
chicago boxes and the 2 u turns were far enough apart and safe enough to
have a well runned and safe event. So don't blame the course deseigners
on that subject. That's it for now, I'm out.
Eric Linnhoff wrote:
> I fully expect to get flamed for this, so go to it guys.
> Coming from a SSS viewpoint, the above attitude is TOTAL BULLSHIT and
> against the rules.
> Changing a course absolutely IS an (required) option if there is a viable
> safety concern, such as after several incidents, or accidents as the case
> may be, have already occurred.
> If it means having to totally cancel the rest of the event (as a ProSolo
> format would have to do due to the format) then dammit, that's what MUST be
> done. There is absolutely NO excuse for continuing an event just because
> "it'd cause too many headaches to change it midstream".
> What a crock. Read the rulebook folks. Unsafe events CAN NOT be allowed to
> continue under any circumstances. It's in there several times. You
> accepted the rules when you signed your membership applications.
> If this (unsafe course design) is a normal occurance at ProSolo events, and
> continues to be propogated by simpletons who don't want to change "because
> it might upset people or cause delays" then I will surely never attend them
> and those people deserve whatever happens to them and their equipment.
> I am not at all sorry for this rant. Y'all better wake up. We absolutely
> cannot afford to shoot ourselves in our collective foot by continuing such
> complete and utter nonsense.
> Eric Linnhoff in KC
> #69DS TLS #13
> '98 Neon R/T
> <>
> Education is neither intelligence nor wisdom. An educated
> fool can always find a philosophy to justify his folly.
> =======================================
> I have no idea who originally said this. But I like it.