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Re: A friendly tip, now lighting annoyances

Subject: Re: A friendly tip, now lighting annoyances
Date: Wed, 1 Dec 1999 08:19:55 -0500

Is it me, or do late-model Pontiac Grand Am and Grand Prix models come with
their fogs hard-wired "on"?  Unfortunately, the GM assembly plants do a very
poor job of aligning those things, so they're aimed up right into the eyes of
oncoming drivers and mirrors of leading drivers.  As someone who wears
sunglasses even on cloudy days because my eyes are only slightly less
light-sensitive than your average vampire's, it *hurts*.

Turn the damn things off unless it's foggy or you're not in traffic.  They're
not "driving lights", they're FOG lights.  Seattle residents may be excluded
from this demand as it's hard to see through the tear-gas clouds without
additional lighting.... ;)

DRLs are a whole other enchilada... and contrary to what some car dealers (GM)
may tell you, there's no law on any federal or state books that requires them.
They're only required in Canada and Sweden.  I've noticed that GM is getting its
act together and using the turn signal lamps instead of the headlights on most
things (Saturns excepted) now, and the new pickups have dedicated DRL bulbs.
Getting a face-full of reduced-power high beams from a Saturn is enough to make
you wanna get out the pellet gun and remove the problem by taking the bulbs

Jim Crider

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