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Torsen in mid-engine car

Subject: Torsen in mid-engine car
From: Mike Gruber <>
Date: Wed, 01 Dec 1999 05:35:32 -0700
Hi George:

I'm not really a "guru", but I have a Quaife Torsen in my supercharged
MR2.  I think that the problem may not be caused by the diff.  The
reason I say this is that a torsen is the *perfect* diff for autocross. 
If you go into a tight corner and apply power, the inside rear *will*
lose traction, and the torsen *will* apply more power to the outside
rear tire.  This will make the car turn *harder* because of the yaw
torque about the car's C.G. that the unequal rear tire drive forces
produce.  I can *definitely* feel this effect in my car. For instance,
if I give too much throttle in first gear at a start while turning, I
can spin the car.  In the days before my Quaife, I'd have just spun the
inside rear tire in these situations.  

What I suspect your problem may be is too much power application.  790
lbs. on the front tires, total, is not much.  With a V6 Fiero, you have
some power available.  If you apply too much, you'll unweight the tires
and wash out the front end.  I say this because I am also fighting this
to some degree in my car, which has probably 200-210 hp and 1000# on the
front wheels or so.  I haven't yet decided if I can cure it with some
suspension tuning, but in my opinion and experience most problems are
curable by the driver if (s)he's thinking right.  Good luck!

Mike Gruber

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