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Re: Possible Nationals Site

To: Pat Kelly <>, Greg Lee <>
Subject: Re: Possible Nationals Site
From: Craig Blome <>
Date: Mon, 5 Apr 1999 11:01:29 -0700 (PDT)
--- Pat Kelly <> wrote:
> Greg,
>     Someone will want to plant trees and shrubs to
> take away from the ugliness
> of a parking lot, I betcha. In fact, some places in
> the country have
> legislation that any new parking lots must have
> trees, etc. to beautify the
> area.
>  --Pat Kelly

Actually there is another reason...limiting the
"impervious cover" (ecospeak for pavement) is supposed
to control the amount of rainwater that runs off into
creeks and rivers, carrying pollution with it.  Of
course it doesn't actually do diddlysquat what with
all the developers dumping who knows what from their
construction sites, but it lets the city bureaucrats
look like they are doing something.  :-P

Craig B., writing from Austin TX where the trees have
an attitude problem

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