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Re: New car classifications

To: "autox mailing list" <>
Subject: Re: New car classifications
From: "Justin Hughes" <>
Date: Thu, 18 Mar 1999 17:07:00 -0500
>> However, the MC system
>> lets someone make next to no initial investment in the sport to give it a
>> try.  If they find themselves doing well and get hooked, at that point
>> can and probably would spend the money to soup up their cars.  Unless, of
>> course, they enjoy the challenge of driving a slow car fast. :)
>Uh, they can do that now.  I did it last year.
>Lesse, I went to my first autox with my new, bonestock, neon.  I wouldn't
>have been competitive in DS if I'd been allowed to have a AM car.  But I
>didn't expect to be competitive and had fun. <snip>

Not intending to belittle your accomplishments and upgrades - you've done
well.  You're fairly lucky - you have a Neon, which just happens to be one
of the best cars for DS.  Granted, most of the equation is the driver, but
like they say, the right tool for the right job.  You got it right the first
time. :)

    - Justin

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