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Re: Hype R kickin Class

To: Heyward K Wagner <>
Subject: Re: Hype R kickin Class
From: Paul Czarnecki <>
Date: Thu, 11 Mar 1999 08:33:35 -0500
At 3:46 PM -0500 3/10/1999, Heyward K Wagner wrote:
>I believe it to not be an irrelevant point.  Take for example the 1988
>runoffs.  SSB was dominated by the Pugoet (sp?) 505, while SSC was
>dominated by the VW GTI.  The GTI ten years later is a strong ITB car and
>a good ES and DSP car.  The 505 however is no longer doing anything.
>Why?  Because the 505 was a born lemon that could stay together for a
>race season or two, but had no longevity.

Or maybe because the 505 was a Turbo and SCCA hates Turbos...

Or maybe because the streets are clogged with GTIs and not many 505's sold...

There are many reasons, reliability is just one of them.

Paul Czarnecki
Listen.  Do.  MacSpeech.

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