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Re: The Future of Shop Manuals

To: Engstrom <>
Subject: Re: The Future of Shop Manuals
From: Rocky Entriken <RENTRIKEN/0003006623@MCIMAIL.COM>
Date: Fri, 05 Feb 1999 20:13:14 -0500 (EST)
Actually, from the way I heard it, they did not actually race the GT350H.
Remember, the car had to be logbooked, etc., and putting in and removing a
roll bar/cage causes readily identifiable damage (bolt holes!) that can be
traced to the last renter.

However, I understand that what DID happen on at least a few occaions is
that drivers of Mustangs racing in what then was A Sedan would rent the
Shelby GT350H as a handy backup parts supply -- including engine and 
drivetrain when needed. Blow your Mustang motor, hie thee to Hertz and
rent the Shelby, pop the motor out and into your AS 'Stang, do the race,
put the Hertz back together and take it back. Hmmm, probbly got the low
mileage rate too!


To get that 24-hour autox you'd probably need the manufacturer to donate a
six-pak of cars knowing up front what abuse they'd endure, just for the
publicity. some charity connection may be necessary to get the automaker to
buy in. But what a fantasy! Hey, if it becomes reality, can I play? Man, talk
about seat time!!!


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