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RE: The Future of Shop Manuals

To: "'Jeff Blankenship'" <>
Subject: RE: The Future of Shop Manuals
From: Engstrom <>
Date: Fri, 5 Feb 1999 20:05:21 -0600
Jeff "Flower Power" Blankenship wrote:

>John "No, not that one" Engstrom wrote:
>> So, is possession of the service manual CD-ROMs
>> enough to meet the requirements, or do I also need
>> a printed service manual?
> Yeah, I'd say that having the CDs meets the requirements, but then you might 
> need a computer to read them on.  And as long as we're trolling bait today, 
> would that have to be a PC, or are the CDs readable in that unmentionable 
> '60s-inspired OS, too?  (I'd actually like to know...)
> _____
> {8^)>
>  ~~~~~
> ^^^^^^ The best I can do for an ASCII hippie... 
> --
> Jeffrey D. "'60s inspired, but Intel Inside, man" Blankenship
>                                ITDS - TRIS
>                                                  Champaign, IL, USA

I mounted the CD-ROM on my Linux box and found that, apart
from the Windoze setup executable, the only other major file
was a huge proprietary data file.  So, to answer your question,
you not only need a PC, but you need a Micro$oft OS. :-(

John "No, not that one" Engstrom

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