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Re: SCCA ESP Protest

To: "Scotty *BOB* White" <>, <>,
Subject: Re: SCCA ESP Protest
From: "Jay Mitchell" <>
Date: Fri, 5 Feb 1999 12:25:12 -0600
SBW sez:

>   Huhhh? Ya mean they changed the part in the rule book where
it's not
>legal to make a legal mod that results in a illegal result or
some such

Naw, Scotty. Think about it for a second: there's no minimum
weight spec in S or SP, and LEGAL mods that coincidentally reduce
the weight of a car are legal.

There's ALSO no maximum boost spec for turbo'ed cars in S or SP.
You CAN change exhaust, however, even in Stock. If that results
in higher boost under some circumstances, that's still legal, as
long as you didn't illegally modify something to make the boost
go up.

It's the same in SP. You can't be protested for the weight of
your car, you can only be protested for doing illegal things to
reduce its weight. It works exactly the same for boost. You can't
be protested over how much boost you got, only over illegal mods
you made to increase boost.

Simple, once you think about, huh?


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