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Re: SCCA ESP Protest

Subject: Re: SCCA ESP Protest
Date: Fri, 5 Feb 1999 07:59:12 -0500
( folks, I'm copying my response to this letter - posted to the Talon
list today - to this list too. I thought you might like to see this)

Ian J McFetridge <> wrote:

> Here we go again.  It is basically assured that I will be protested for
> running in ESP this season.  I just got back from a meeting where my
> region's reigning ESP champ made some pretty strong accusations to my face
> (always laughing afterwards, but still strong words).  I heard the following
> in conversation:
> * "I know you DSM guys cheat, you're a cheater."  (I just moved here and he
> has never seen my car)
> * "I talked to a guy at the NE Divisionals and he told me all the tricks"
> (I don't even know the tricks)
> * "Better bring your owner's manual"

> I think there are two reasons he's giving me such a hard time:
> 1. He is afraid of my car (1g, NOT) because a certain person did very well
> at the NE Divisionals with a 2g DSM.  Not sure, but I guess this person
> wooped him real good.
> 2. He saw my website and has picked something from my website that proves I
> am ESP illegal.  I asked him exactly what on my car is illegal, but he
> wouldn't say.  WTF, if it was something I could make legal, I would.

( folks - this is an editorial comment inserted by the Talon list
moderator - DG)

> [It's pricks like this that give the entire SCCA a reputation of being
> a bunch of uptight people who are more interested in reading and
> interpreting rulebooks than actually racing.  To think this guy would
> would know there was something possibly illegal with your setup and
> then trump you with it later if you ever got in his way - what a total
> and complete a$$hole.  If I were you, I'd report him to whoever looks
> into unsportsmanlike conduct in the SCCA.  That is not what the SCCA
> is supposed to be about... is it?  -talon mgr]

> I guess I'll move to EMOD when I get a 16G, but until then I'd like to give
> ESP a shot.

( folks - a 16G is a popular aftermarket turbo - DG)

> Some clarification:
> * I have not touched my turbo, no porting, polishing, or anything.  I will
> be running the stock boost setup with all the original hoses.

So far, so good.

> * I do however have a 2g manifold ported by Jeff Hill (should be legal)

Yes. The exhaust system between the turbo and the head is open in SP.

> * I also have a 2g O2 housing ported by Leon Reitman (should be legal)

Yes. The exhaust system between the turbo and the end of the car is open in SP.

> * I do however get boost creep up to about 18psi using the stock boost
> setup.  Of course I could fix this by porting the turbo, but I'm not
> allowed!  I assume this problem results from the legal mods I have made to
> my exhaust so I don't think it is a violation.

It's not. "Any boost increase you get from a legal modification is likewise

You CANNOT be protested for boost levels, as boost level isn't a hard and fast
specification; it's something that changes dynamically. You can, however, be
protested for illegal modifications that raise boost levels.

The SCCA may decide to check boost level to see if you have more than stock (at
least in Stock classes) to see if further investigation is warrented, but boost
level itself cannot be grounds for disqualification. The protestor must prove an
illegal modification to generate those boost levels.

If you have left the turbo and all the associated boost control devices alone,
then you are OK.

> Sorry to have to bring this up again, but I'm at my wits end,

Unfortunately, there are weenies out there who compensate for underperformance
on the track by playing games in Impound. Fact of life I'm afraid. There are
also legit competitors who have a vested interest in protecting themselves from
cheaters, and they have every right to inspect the car to ensure that your car
is legal. Sometimes, the line between the two can get awfully blurry, especially
when you're on the receiving end of the protest.

The best thing you can do is to ensure that the car is legal, to bring all the
documentation you need to prove the car is legal, and let them protest. While
being protested can be pretty tramatic, getting declared legal in Impound is
pretty nice, especially when you know that the protestor has lost some money
because of it.

You have to trust that the system will work, and that if you are legal, Impound
will back that up - and in the rare instance that Impound makes a mistake, you
can appeal the decision all the way to the SEB. The trick is to BE LEGAL, and BE

Good luck,

ProSolo P2 # 99

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