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Bill Schmidt - DM weights

To: <>
Subject: Bill Schmidt - DM weights
From: "The Straub's" <>
Date: Fri, 5 Feb 1999 05:56:39 -0700 (MST)
Hi list,

In a recent response to the GT6 in CSP or DM Bill Schmidt mad the following

The Solo 2 Rules should be changed.  A good weight minimum for D-Mod would
be 1500 lbs. and E Mod should be 1,800 or 1,900 lbs.  D & E mod ought to be
able to be built using any 2 seat sports car.  If the Lotuses are to light,
let them use balllast weights.  You would play hell ever getting an RX7 to
1500 lbs for E mod let alone a 1,000 for D mod.

I would like to repsond to his comments.

1.  The rules should be left alone.  If there is any weight increase in D
Mod it should be to 1,100 or 1,200 pounds.   In 1998 it was the first year
of increase participation in D Mod since the Formula Vees and F440/500 were
moved to their own class (F mod).

2.  If you own a Lotus or a 7 of other manufacturers it does not mean that
you weigh a 1,000 pounds.  I have competed in a Lotus 7 since 1976 and the
lowest weight I have ever gotten down to is 1,064 pounds. The current setup
of my 7 is 1,130 pounds.  I know that I can get the weight down some what
but at what expense.

3.  The offical weights of Lotus 7's with full street equipment are:
    960 pounds for a  BMC powered
    1064 for a Ford 109E powered 1340cc
    1240 for a Ford 1500cc powered
    1260 for a Ford twin cam
    1106 for a Ford 1600cc crossflow
4.  Lotuses weighing a 1,000 pounds.  Sports Car, May 1993, had a technical
article on Chris O'Donnell's Lotus Elan, and it weighed 1,376 pounds.  Some
376 pounds more than the 1,000 minimum.  I do not think the car has changed
during the last 5 years that much.  Chris is an excellent driver with a very
well maintained car.

5.  If you want to go modified you are going to have to spend some money
especially if you want to get to minimum weight.  Take off those steel
doors, hood, fenders, replace them with fiberglass.  Replace the heavy glass
with lexan.  Strip the interior down and the sound proofing off.  Other
drivers have entered modified classes wanting everyone else to weigh what
they do without doing such preparation.

6.  If you are serious about competiting in D or E Mod by modifying your RX7
then I would sell the thing, talk to Del Long and buy a Westfield from him.
You will be talking about the same kind of money and have a car that will be
close to minimum weight either in D mod form or E Mod form.

Craig Straub
Lotus Super 7 owner since 1976
Southern Illinois Region 


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