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Re: Sandblasting, yes or no??

Subject: Re: Sandblasting, yes or no??
Date: Thu, 6 Jul 2000 23:29:25 EDT

I personally have sand blasted Sues S1. I first did the chemical paint 
striper to remove most of the paint layers that were on the car. Approx. five 
paint jobs of varing colors. Sandblasting can be done successfully if you 
know what you are doing. Pressure needs to be around 100 psi and you don't 
point the nozzle directly at the surface. You do it at approx. a 45 degree 
angle and use a sweeping constant motion. It takes time to do an Alpine. 
About 3 hrs. Nasty job, believe me you will find sand in places you couldn't 
believe on the cars body as well as your person. I cover up with long pants, 
long sleeve shirt, hat, goggles, cotton in my ears, etc. Media blasting 
sounds like a good way to go. Dipping is okay but it removes paint in places 
that could be hard to reach when you need to repaint the car. I am just about 
ready to see what lies beneath my Mk 1 Tiger. What will I use? I'm a glutton 
for punishment so.....Sandblasting! Hey I own 11 Sunbeams(soon to be 10) I'm 
used to punishment!
Dave Green

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