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Re: exhaust system replacement

To: 6pack@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: exhaust system replacement
From: oliver <oliverconnect@yahoo.com>
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 2004 07:39:56 -0700 (PDT)
its your choice, but keep in mind noise level.  there's a guy in our club who 
has the monza exhaust system, and imho it's just too loud.

"Campsmith, Michael" <MGC4@CDC.GOV> wrote:Listers--

It is decision time regarding my exhaust system. I sent my stock
exhaust manifold off to be coated--and FedEx broke it. My replacement
choices were limited, so I went with the tube headers. My question now
becomes: which exhaust system will work best with the headers? I would
like improved flow but without excessive noise. 

I like the look of the free-flow system with Monza tips, but have heard
about quality problems. The dual-muffler sport exhaust is a
possibility, but people have said those are pretty loud. I like the
sound of the stock exhaust, but was hoping to improve performance if

Thanks and I look forward to the discussion.

Michael Campsmith
1974 TR6 (body and panels have been stripped, still in a million pieces)

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