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Stuck Bonnet

To: "6-Pack" <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: Stuck Bonnet
From: "Steven Altomare" <gtg124h@mail.gatech.edu>
Date: Sat, 5 Jul 2003 14:54:44 -0400
Hi list,

A few weeks ago, the bonnet on my TR6 got stuck closed.  I  have no idea of
how to open it.  The cable is not broken however, the latch mechanism is
operating.  It seems as if the spring part of the latch that mounts to the
bonnet is somehow wedged in place.  I have already tried a few things and
read a few articles (and looked in the archives) referring to this problem,
yet no ideas I  have found have helped at all.

Any ideas?

Thanks a lot,

Steven Altomare
74 1/2 TR6

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