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RE: Rocker alignment

To: "'Mark Hooper'" <mhooper@pix-cinema.com>,
Subject: RE: Rocker alignment
From: "Jim Swarthout" <jswarth1@tampabay.rr.com>
Date: Sun, 29 Jun 2003 22:50:11 -0400


I think I will clarify a bit in case you were afraid of giving away my
tips that were included in the manual.

I think I will put a .PDF of the manual on my web-site for download so
that others can see that the installation really is straight forward.

Thanks for pointing out the fact that your rockers lined up properly, as
they should have; given stock components that were in good condition.

I would like to clarify the hammer "tap" thing... :-)

The rockers rest on each side of the pedestal which provides the
positioning for the rocker contact at the valve tip. If the pedestal is
offset, then the rockers will not contact the valve stem properly!

This can happen due to a number of things directly related to a
"mangled" pedestal. 

The TR pedestals were die cast & then machined to provide the proper
alignment of the rockers & the rocker shaft.

The material is very soft!

If the pedestals had ever been mounted without washers, the material at
the top of the pedestal may be mushroomed inward towards the mounting
stud, and not necessarily centered! This can force the pedestal
off-center since the hole is quite sloppy as cast.

Upon reassembly, after having de-burred the pedestal mounting hole, it
may be necessary to position the pedestal to the left or right in order
to achieve a perfect alignment of the rockers. .015" to the left or
right is "max".

The best way to do this is to leave the pillar nuts slightly loose and
tap the pillar with a hammer until the rockers are in alignment.

If your pillars are in good condition, this is not necessary; I put this
in the manual "just in case" someone out there may encounter this
problem. I have!


Mark replaced his valve springs, followed the installation manual, and
is now reaping the benefits from his performance upgrade.

It's satisfying to know that I have one more happy TR owner running my

Best regards,

Jim Swarthout


-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Hooper [mailto:mhooper@pix-cinema.com] 
Sent: Sunday, June 29, 2003 9:31 PM
To: 'Jim Swarthout'; 'Nick Gemas'; 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: RE: TSI Roller Rockers

Jim, doesn't your manual say to use a hammer to hit the pedestals until
line up? :^)

Seriously though, I had no problem with your kit on lineup. No hitting
required at all. As Jim's manual noted, there is a fair bit of play in
pedestals, so with the the bolts slightly loosened the rockers can be
repositioned enough to line up anything up to 1/8" on some.

Mark Hooper

-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Swarthout [mailto:jswarth1@tampabay.rr.com]
Sent: Sunday, June 29, 2003 7:53 PM
To: 'Nick Gemas'; 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: RE: TSI Roller Rockers


Would any Creative Engineering & Design, Inc., Roller Rocker owners care
to interject?

Best regards,

Jim Swarthout

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